Code of Conduct

My Code of Conduct

I wish to be transparent about how I create content and my compensation.

Journalism Ethics

I follow the general rules of journalism ethics but I do want to stress following:

  • I strive to be open, independent, critical – also towards myself – and to avoid hidden agendas.
  • I always try to use facts as fairly and accurate as possible.
  • If I accuse any party for wrongdoing, I will try to lay out the fact and include the accused party’s explanation.
  • I try to write my blog as balanced as possible and not to make too sensational headlines so my content lives up the promise in the headline.
  • I acknowledge the individual’s rights to be respected personally and maintain their privacy.
  • I make sure that the sources, who wish to be anonymous, are anonymous – also after the content is publicized – as long as I know the true identity of the person and the motives behind the wish to be anonymous.


I credit my sources by their names and when possibly a direct link or retweet to their commentary. In other words; I don’t plagiarize. I do not use other’s work and pretend it is my own. I declare my sources and explain who they are and what they do for a living, so it is easier to judge my sources motives.


I am employed by Jessica Northey Studios, LLC. No other revenues at this time.

My pension and savings are administered by a financial institution. I have no knowledge or influence about their choice of securities. No one pays me to say – or not say – certain things on my blog or other media platforms – be they words, sound, pictures or video.

I don’t accept money, free products, discounts, free trips or anything of value from the companies I write about. I don’t engage with their boards or advisory boards. I will accept a t-shirt or item of small value – less than $80.

If I am to review a product, I will borrow it for a week or two and give it back – unless it is worth less than $80. If I make an exception from these rules, I will disclose it fully.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at

Best wishes, Jessica Northey

Special thanks to Pernille Tranberg, author of TrustMark for News – Why Non-Biased Digital Content Needs Transparency, for providing the template from which this disclosure has been adapted.